• Bajerlein D., Błoszyk J., Halliday B., Konwerski, S. 2023. Hitchhiking through life: a review of phoresy in Uropodina mites (Parasitiformes: Mesostigmata). The European Zoological Journal91(1): 31–63. https://doi.org/10.1080/24750263.2023.2288847


  • Bajerlein D., Jarmusz M., Gregor A., Grzywacz A. 2022. Diptera (Dryomyzidae, Fanniidae, Muscidae, Piophilidae) associated with pig carcasses in a forest habitat of Poland: sex-related patterns of visitation and effectiveness of sampling methods. Journal of Medical Entomology. 59(2): 514-524.
  •  van de Kamp T., Mikó I., Staniczek A. H., Eggs B., Bajerlein D., Faragó T., Hagelstein L., Hamann E., Spiecker R., Baumbach T., Janšta P., Krogmann L. 2022. Evolution of flexible biting in hyperdiverse parasitoid wasps. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 289:20212086.


  • Jarmusz M., Grzywacz A., Bajerlein D. 2020. A comparative study of the entomofauna (Coleoptera, Diptera) associated with hanging and ground pig carcasses in a forest habitat of Poland. Forensic Science International. 309, 110212. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2020.110212


  • Jarmusz M., Bajerlein D. 2019. Decomposition of hanging pig carcasses in a forest habitat of Poland. Forensic Science International. 300: 32-42. DOI: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.04.013


  • Bajerlein D., Taberski D., Matuszewski S. 2018. Estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) based on empty puparia of Phormia regina (Meigen) (Diptera: Calliphoridae) and third larval stage of Necrodes littoralis (L.) (Coleoptera: Silphidae) – Advantages of using different PMI indicators. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine. 55: 95-98. DOI: 10.1016/j.jflm.2018.02.008


  • Bajerlein D., Adamski Z., Kacalak W., Tandecka K., Wiesner M., Jurga S. 2016. To attach or not to attach? The effect of carrier surface morphology and topography on attachment of phoretic deutonymphs of Uropoda orbicularis (Acari). Science of Nature. 103(7).
  • Matuszewski S., Frątczak K., Konwerski S., Bajerlein D., Szpila K., Jarmusz M., Szafałowicz M., Grzywacz A., Mądra A. 2016. Effect of body mass and clothing on carrion entomofauna. International Journal of Legal Medicine. 130(1): 221-232.


  • Bajerlein D., Wojterska M., Grewling Ł., Kokociński M. 2015. Botanika sądowa - stan wiedzy i możliwości zastosowania w praktyce śledczej. Problemy Kryminalistyki. 289(3): 20-32.
  • Bajerlein D., Konwerski S., Matuszewski S., Szpila K. 2015. Poland. In: Tomberlin J. K., Benbow M. E. (eds.). Forensic Entomology: International Dimensions and Frontiers. Part II: History, Accomplishments, and Challenges of Forensic Entomology in Europe, Chapter 8. CRC Press, pp. 81-88.
  • Jarmusz M., Bajerlein D. 2015. Anoplotrupes stercorosus (Scr.) and Trypocopris vernalis (L.) (Coleoptera: Geotrupidae) visiting exposed pig carrion in forests of Central Europe: Seasonality, habitat preferences and influence of smell of decay on their abundances. Entomologia Generalis. 35(3): 213-228.


  • Bajerlein D., Witaliński W. 2014. Localization and density of phoretic deutonymphs of the mite Uropoda orbicularis (Parasitiformes: Mesostigmata) on Aphodius beetles (Aphodiidae) affect pedicel length. Naturwissenschaften. 101: 265-272.


  • Bajerlein D., Witaliński W., Adamski Z. 2013. Morphological diversity of pedicels in phoretic deutonymphs of Uropodina mites (Acari: Mesostigmata). Arthropod Structure & Development. 42: 185-196.


  • Bajerlein D., Witaliński W. 2012. Anatomy and fine structure of pedicellar glands in phoretic deutonymphs of uropodid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata). Arthropod Structure & Development. 41: 245-257
  • Bajerlein D., Przewoźny M. 2012. When a beetle is too small to carry phoretic mites? A case of hydrophilid beetles (Coleoptera:  Hydrophilidae) and Uropoda orbicularis (Acari:  Mesostigmata). Canadian Journal of Zoology. 90: 368-375.


  • Bajerlein D. 2011. Seasonal abundance and infestation of deutonymphs of Uropoda orbicularis (Müller, 1776) (Acari: Mesostigmata) phoretic on coprophilous beetles (Scarabaeidae, Geotrupidae, Aphodiidae, Hydrophilidae, Histeridae). International Journal of Acarology. 37: 216-227.
  • Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S., Szpila K. Insect succession and carrion decomposition in selected forests of Central Europe. Part 3: Succession of carrion fauna. Forensic Science International. 207:150-163.
  • Bajerlein D., Matuszewski S., Konwerski S. 2011. Insect succession on carrion: seasonality, habitat preference and residency of histerid beetles (Coleoptera: Histeridae) visiting pig carrion exposed in various forests (Western Poland). Polish Journal of Ecology. 59: 787-797.


  • Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S., Szpila K. 2010. Insect succession and carrion decomposition in selected forests of Central Europe. Part 1: Pattern and rate of decomposition. Forensic Science International. 194: 85-93
  • Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S., Szpila K. 2010. Insect succession and carrion decomposition in selected forests of Central Europe. Part 2: Composition and residency patterns of carrion fauna. Forensic Science International. 195: 42-51
  • Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S. 2010. Katalog owadów przydatnych do ustalania czasu śmierci w lasach Polski. Część 3: Chrząszcze (Insecta: Coleoptera). Problemy Kryminalistyki, 269: 5-21
  • Przewoźny M., Bajerlein D. 2010. The community of coprophagous hydrophilid beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) in a pasture near Poznań (West Wielkopolska, Poland). Polish Journal of Entomology, 79: 253 - 260


  • Bajerlein D. 2009. Coprophilous histerid beetle community (Coleoptera Histeridae) of western Poland. Polish Journal of Entomology.78: 201-207


  • Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S., Szpila K. 2008. An initial study of insect succession and carrion decomposition in various forest habitats of Central Europe. Forensic Science International, 180: 61-69.
  • Szpila K., Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S. 2008. Chrysomya albiceps (Wiedemann, 1819), a forensically important blowfly (Diptera: Calliphoridae) new for the Polish fauna. Polish Journal of Entomology, 77: 351-355.
  • Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S., Szpila K. 2008. Entomologia sądowa w Polsce. Wiadomości entomologiczne, 27(1): 49-52.


  • Szpila K., Grzywacz A., Matuszewski S., Bajerlein D., Konwerski S. 2007. Muscidae (Diptera) w sukcesji zwłok świni domowej w różnych typach lasów - wyniki wstępne. Dipteron, 23, 62-64.
  • Majka C.G., Behan-Pelletier V., Bajerlein D., Błoszyk J., Krantz G.W., Lucas Z., O'Connor B., and Smith I.M. 2007. New records of mites (Arachnida: Acari) from Sable Island, Nova Scotia. The Canadian Entomologist. 139: 690-699.


  • Błoszyk J., Bajerlein D., Gwiazdowicz D. J., Halliday R.B., Dylewska M. 2006. Uropodine mite communities (Acari: Mesostigmata) in birds' nests in Poland. Belgian Journal of Zoology. 136:145 - 153.
  • Gwiazdowicz D.J., Błoszyk J., Bajerlein D., Halliday R.B., Mizera T. 2006. Mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) inhabiting nests of the white-tailed sea eagle Haliaeetus albicilla (L.) in Poland. Entomologica Fennica. 17: 366 - 372.
  • Bajerlein D., Błoszyk J., Gwiazdowicz D.J., Ptaszyk J., Halliday R.B. 2006. Community structure and dispersal of mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) in nests of the white stork (Ciconia cicionia). Biologia.61: 525 - 530.


  • Bajerlein D. 2005. New data on phoresy of Uropoda orbicularis (Acari: Mesostigmata) on coprophagous beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) during the spring season. W: Ignatowicz S. (red). XXVIII Sympozjum Akarologiczne: „Unia w Akarologii - Akarologia w Unii". Łagów Lubuski, 8-12 X 2003.
  • Bajerlein D., Przewoźny M. 2005. Coprophagous hydrophilid beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) as carriers of phoretic deutonymphs of Uropoda orbicularis (Acari: Mesostigmata) in Poland. European Journal of Entomology. 102: 119-122.
  • Błoszyk J., Gwiazdowicz D.J., Bajerlein D., Halliday R.B. 2005. Nests of the white stork Ciconia ciconia (L.) as a habitat for mesostigmatic mites (Acari, Mesostigmata). Acta Parasitologica. 50(2): 171-175.


  • Bajerlein D. 2004. Koprofagiczne żukowate (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) okolic Rokietnicy koło Poznania. Badania Fizjograficzne nad Polską Zachodnią. Seria C-Zoologia. 50: 93-96.
  • Bajerlein D., Błoszyk J. 2004. Phoresy of Uropoda orbicularis (Acari: Mesostigmata) by beetles (Coleoptera) associated with cattle dung in Poland. European Journal of Entomology. 101: 185-188.